Wednesday, October 29, 2008

essay 5

I need help??? can any one help me about essay five and give me and idea. I don't know i do like playing certain video games. I hate fighting game because i always loose. I like more interaction games for example Guitar Hero is a fun game. What i do wonder is how does a person get a job just to play video games all day and to test it out?. The only idea I had was about the Monopoly game and how food chain has advertise games in order to buy the food to get the piece.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The trip was exciting. The 7 train was taking for ever really slow to get to Times Square, i arrived just in time and signed in. i saw Jeffrey he was great gave me memory when i get in the rat suit. i went to the grown level and play with the new Lego Batman and Robin game. then i walked to Game Stop and played Rock Band that was fun and interesting to play with it. the last 2 location where okay but not as fun and interesting as the first two. at the end of the trip my legs where tired.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What I learn in the cluster !

So far I love my cluster it feel like a little family, i find it difficult having different classes with different people and having to get to know one another is fun but i love the cluster better. what makes it better is the people that we have in class the classmates makes it more fun and interesting and is not like a click of new student in every class that i would have to introduce my self all over again.The challenging thing of the class is just the work is intense but we have time to finish it and we can help one another with posting out work on Black Board so a classmate can comment. The new challenge am waiting for is the final project, i think that would be more of a challenge because its more hands on then writing and am not used to it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Gee article

i Agree with many things that was written in the article. Technology is advancing in a way to help students to learn. Its difficult to grab a child attention to want them to learn if is not fun or interesting. A example is a toy that has has cartoon reading with a pen that has the cartoon characters voices reading it. i seen that game recently in the commercial and another game was a little bicycle n a child rides it and along the way solves math problems. I think if I had toys like this at home I would be doing a whole lot more learning . I started to play puzzle games and word games i honestly don't like it because i cant get it right away i do like trivia games because i feel more comfortable playing it. to let children's pick their curriculum it depend what age level we are letting student pick there classes reason why is because if they are two young they just might pick classes they already know and are comfortable and would not like to learn something new. the older children might be a little bit more level headed n they should be allowed to pick the classes they want to learn. When I was in High School i picked the law program that was the only class i could pick on my own and at first i hated the program after i was in it but after 3 weeks i started hitting the books and i loved it so it all depend what grade a person is in to pick the classes they would like.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Club Fair

The club fair was good i enjoyed it very much. compared to my old college it seemed that there was less club. The club member's in La Guardia seemed much more friendly then my last college. i joined the break dancing club it would be fun to try something new. the one i really wanted to join that i did not see was the sign language club i really wanted to sign up. it was cool spending more time with classmates looking at the club to join together.