Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The trip was exciting. The 7 train was taking for ever really slow to get to Times Square, i arrived just in time and signed in. i saw Jeffrey he was great gave me memory when i get in the rat suit. i went to the grown level and play with the new Lego Batman and Robin game. then i walked to Game Stop and played Rock Band that was fun and interesting to play with it. the last 2 location where okay but not as fun and interesting as the first two. at the end of the trip my legs where tired.


Lisha said...

it sounds like you had fun. My legs were hurting me too by the end of the day from all that standing and walking. You did a good job on the dance revoulution i need to learn how to play that game.LOL

Matt's Blog said...

Yea buddy it looks like you had fun, at least i saw ya for a quick minute at toyrus lol and sorry i took so long trying to meet up with you that g train took too long to get to court square! haha